Upset relatives at an Indian wedding aren’t a new thing but for this groom from Uttarakhand’s Haridwar, the dissatisfaction of his friend could cost him Rs 50 lakh. The friend was reportedly unhappy after the baraat left prior to the time mentioned in the wedding card. He decided to take extreme measures and has filed a lawsuit in a local court. According to an Amar Ujala report, the groom, Ravi, had asked one of his friends, Chandrashekhar, to distribute wedding cards on his behalf.
The card specified that the wedding procession was supposed to leave at 5 pm. However, when Chandrashekhar, accompanied by other friends, reached the groom’s house at the specified time, the procession had already left. And to add to their disappointment, the groom asked the friends to go back to their home because they were late.
The response left Chandrashekhar extremely miffed and he decided to sue the groom for defamation. Chandrashekhar claimed that he was mentally tortured by the people who he invited for the wedding. In addition to the Rs 50 lakh compensation, Chandrashekhar has also demanded a public apology from the groom.
Such stories from Indian wedding often make it to the social media platforms. In one such incident from Maharashtra’s Buldhana district, a woman married her relative after the groom turned up late at the wedding.
The wedding ceremony was slated to be performed at 4 pm on April 22 earlier this year. The groom did not arrive at the mandap till 8 pm. When he finally did make an appearance, the groom continued dancing and drinking with his friends. Irked by his behaviour, the bride’s family called the wedding off and the baraat was sent back. Later, that evening, the bride was married to one of her relatives who had come as a guest to attend the wedding.
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